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What You Can Do

          The multiple legislations passed have certainly helped with the issue of coastal living, but much more can be done. By voting on more laws that make home building codes stronger, both homeowners and insurance companies will suffer less. Requiring homes to be protected in a certain way by specific building codes and requirements is the only solution for safe and happy living on the coast.

           Waterfront property in Florida is one of the main pulls for people living and moving here. However, without proper construction and protection, many houses on the coast are not safe. If houses are more prone to being destroyed, homeowners insurance will skyrocket and become unaffordable for residents. Due to climate change, Hurricanes in Florida are predicted to only get more intense, in terms of rainfall, throughout the years. This means that unless something is done and a legislation is passed, homes and buildings on the coast will suffer even more damage and so will the people living in them. As hurricane intensity grows, so does the demand for homes on the coast.

          Hurricanes show no signs of mercy as they swamp through Florida and destroy homes, killing many people as well. Hurricane Idalia that hit Florida in August of 2023, for example, had winds that were up to 125 miles per hour that completely destroyed roofs, trees, and even cars. The rain causes flooding that traps people in their homes, forcing them to make tough decisions without knowing whether they will live or die. This is a terrifying situation that no one should have to be in. Even places inland such as Orlando were getting flooded. If you do not know how to swim, then you will drown as water rushes into your home. Hurricanes also leave thousands of people with no power and no place to go as it is dangerous to go out on the streets. With hurricane rainfall predicted to get worse, homes must find a way to protect themselves from being flooded now more than ever.

          As voters, you are pivotal to this issue. Although many homes are now being constructed and changed in order for them to withstand damage from wind and protect from flooding, it is only a small start. Homes on intercoastal and coastal areas should be required to be built to be protected against a category five hurricane. Some examples are having roofs sealed properly to protect homes from being flooded and installing solar panels so high intensity winds can not get through. By voting on a law that requires specific building codes, many lives will be saved and put out of risk. With houses better protected, homeowners insurance in Florida will also begin to stabilize. It will become more affordable for people who wish to live on the coast in Florida.

          For more information on voting and registering to vote, visit 

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